Financial assistance may be granted to a victim or rescuer to help them with their vocational reintegration. A reimbursement may also be obtained for certain expenses.
Eligibility criteria for financial assistance
To be eligible for financial assistance, the victim or rescuer must be in one of the following situations:
At the time of the health assessment attesting to the disability, the person:
- had a job, was engaged in work or an occupation that provided them with an income or demonstrated that they had an employment relationship in the 12 months preceding the health assessment and is unable to return to the same type of job because of the injury
- receives Employment Insurance benefits and is unable, because of the criminal offence, to return to the same job or work or the same occupation that made them eligible for Employment Insurance benefits
- must change their job, work or occupation because of the consequences of the criminal offence that entitled them to the financial assistance provided for by the Act
- is prevented from returning to their job, work or occupation or returning to secondary or post-secondary education because of the criminal offence
- must give up their job, work or occupation following an aggravation of their condition because of the criminal offence
Lists of financial assistance
The financial assistance must have been authorized by the rehabilitation counsellor. Financial assistance for vocational reintegration includes, in particular:
- vocational assessment services (e.g., sessions with a career counsellor)
- tuition fees including:
- program admission and registration fees
- the cost of purchasing required textbooks and materials
- the adaptation of a workstation or any other equipment used for work
- the cost of moving near a new workplace
additional financial assistance to compensate for a loss of income (AFALI)
Terms of payment
The reimbursement is made upon presentation of supporting documents and in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the