Dans un soucis de mieux répondre aux besoins de sa clientèle, la Direction de l'IVAC est fière de vous présenter son nouveau site Web!

Vous pourrez facilement trouver des informations très complètes et plus simples à comprendre en ce qui concerne entre autres les victimes d'actes criminels, les sauveteurs, les services et indemnités offerts et les étapes d'une demande de prestations.

Nous espérons que vous serez satisfaits des efforts mis pour améliorer notre site. Si toutefois vous avez des commentaires ou suggestions qui pourraient nous aider à le bonifier, n'hésitez pas à nous le laisser savoir en communiquant avec nous.

 Victims’ Rights

The Loi visant à aider les personnes victimes d’infractions criminelles et à favoriser leur rétablissement (LAPVIC) is to specify and recognize the rights of victims of a criminal offence and to implement measures to meet their needs to promote their recovery.

More specifically, the victim has the right to be treated with compassion, courtesy, fairness and understanding, while respecting his or her dignity and privacy. They have the right to be accompanied and supported, and to be informed of:

  • their rights and the remedies available to assert them
  • assistance available
  • health and social services, as well as any assistance, prevention or protection services available in her environment and making sure they get the medical, psychological or social assistance they require
  • any complaint handling procedure  

The victim also has the right, depending on available resources, to:

  • receive the medical, psychological or social assistance they need, as well as other support services appropriate to their needs in terms of reception, assistance and referral to other services that can help them
  • receive the rehabilitation services they need to help them reintegrate into society or the workplace and get on with their lives
  • receive protection against bullying and reprisals

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