Victims’ Rights Statement
The crime victims’ rights statement (Déclaration des droits des victimes d'actes criminels (French only)) was created to bolster service quality and strengthen the bond of trust between crime victims and the Direction de l’IVAC. It sets forth the rights of victims under the public compensation plan, as well as the Direction de l’IVAC’s commitments regarding service accessibility, information, and the exercise of victims’ rights.
The Statement confirms the values that have always guided the Direction de l’IVAC with respect to crime victims: respect, professionalism, and equity.
The eight rights to which victims are entitled under the Statement of Crime Victims’ Rights are as follows:
- Crime victims are entitled to obtain complete, accurate, and clear information in a timely fashion.
- Crime victims are entitled to professional, fair, and courteous treatment.
- Crime victims are entitled to be treated in accordance with the consistent application of the law.
- Crime victims are entitled to their privacy and the confidentiality of their protected personal information.
- Crime victims are entitled to be represented by a person of their choice.
- Crime victims are entitled to be heard in order to obtain a review of their file and submit an application before the Administrative Tribunal of Quebec.
- Crime victims are entitled to file a complaint about service and obtain an explanation of our observations.
- Crime victims are entitled to be informed of our service statement and annual report.