Financial assistance may be paid in the form of a lump sum for permanent sequelae or temporary physical or psychological impairments.
The lump sum is established after a health assessment confirms that there is no longer any possibility of a significant improvement for the impairment(s).
To learn more about this financial assistance, you can watch the video clip produced by the Ministère de la Justice “Lump sum in the event of sequelae” (French only).
Assessment criteria
The health assessment in support of a lump sum application must be completed by a health professional who is a member of one of the following professional orders.
The permanent impairment percentage or the category of severity of a temporary impairment is determined by IVAC upon receipt of the health assessment. The health assessment must demonstrate that there is no possibility of a significant improvement.
Calculation of the lump sum
For permanent sequelae
The amount is determined by multiplying the permanent sequelae percentage by an amount set by regulation.
When he was leaving the convenience store at the end of his shift at 10 p.m., André was beaten up by strangers who demanded money. André suffered several injuries, including a fracture in his back that left him with permanent sequelae, that is, displacement of the trunk.
Here’s how to calculate the lump sum
IVAC’s calculation will be based on André’s health assessment, which was carried out by a professional.
- Using the Schedule of Permanent Functional and Esthetic Impairments, identify the functional or esthetic units that are permanently affected
- André’s back was injured during the offence. The ability to move and maintain the trunk was affected. This corresponds to functional unit 12
- Next, the category of severity representative of the victim’s situation must be identified based on the functional or esthetic unit
- For André, the category of severity assigned is 3
- The impairment percentage corresponds to category of severity 3, that is, 8%
- Multiply the percentage by the maximum amount . This amount is available in the regulation
- In André’s case, the calculation will be: 8% x $295,687 = $23,655 as a lump sum
For temporary sequelae
LThe amount paid is set by the
regulation based on the category of severity of the sequelae related to the criminal offence.
Alex was beaten up as he was leaving a bar by strangers who were upset because he sat at their table. He suffered several physical injuries, including a fractured larynx, a herniated disc and a fractured sternum. He does not have any permanent sequelae, but may receive an amount to compensate for the consequences of his temporary impairments.
Voici comment faire le calcul de la somme forfaitaire
- 5. Each impairment has a corresponding severity rating. They are identified in the Schedule of Injuries: :
- Fracture of larynx, severity rating 6, its square is equal to 36
- Herniated disc, severity rating 5, its square is equal to 25
- Sternum fracture, severity rating 4, its square is equal to 16
- The square of each severity rating must then be added together. The result of this addition is used to find the corresponding category and the amount of the compensation, i.e.: 36 + 25 + 16 = 77
- The result of the addition is 77 and the category of severity determined is “e”. The amount of the lump sum for temporary impairment that Alex will receive will be $1,690
Terms of payment
The full amount of the lump sum can be paid in one or more instalments.
It can be divided into 12 or 24 instalments.
Interest is calculated and added to each payment instalment if the victim chooses to receive their compensation in 12 or 24 instalments.